
Support in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word support.

The English word "support" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word support in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. magtaguyod   [verb] to establish; to promote; to support; to uphold; to stick up for more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pagtangkilik   [noun] support; patronage more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. tangkilik   [noun] patronage; support; backing; help; auspices more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. taguyod   [noun] support more...

More matches for "support" in Tagalog:

1.) a - [noun] support; cheering on; cheering up more...
2.) panaló - [noun] support (from falling); container for falling objects, etc.; something used for catching Example Sentences Available Icon3 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) supórtahán - [verb] to support someone/something Example Sentences Available Icon9 Example Sentences Available » more...
5.) panínindigan - [noun] affirmation; resolve; support Example Sentences Available Icon5 Example Sentences Available » more...
6.) tangkilikin - [verb] to support something/someone; to patronize something/someone; to back something/someone; to rise in popularity more...
7.) sandigan - [noun] foundation; main support; backrest; person upon whom one relies for support Example Sentences Available Icon4 Example Sentences Available » more...
8.) saluhín - [verb] to catch something; to take over something; to support something; to pay for someone else more...
9.) itaguyod - [verb] to support something; to uphold something; to back something; to further something; to help something move forward; to promote something; Example Sentences Available Icon12 Example Sentences Available » more...
10.) alalay - [noun] support; assistance; assistant; helpful friend; holding or carrying with care; taking it easy Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
11.) kalingà - [noun] patronage; support; care; [adjective] caring more...
12.) pagsuporta - [noun] supporting; support Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
13.) masuportahán - [verb] to be able to support someone/something more...
14.) saniban - [verb] to provide something with a support or underlayer; to increase the width by joining something to the side or edge; to join as a member of; to be possessed or in a trance (by hypnotism or by a supernatural being such as a spirit, demon, etc.); more...
15.) sandalan - [noun] backrest; back; rest; support more...
16.) magsustento - [verb] to sustain; to support more...
17.) alalayan - [verb] to aid someone; to hold or carry someone/something carefully; to support someone; more...
18.) umalalay - [verb] to support; to give support more...
19.) katigan - [verb] to support something; to vote for something; to endorse something; to approve of something more...
20.) pagtataguyod - [noun] support; supporting more...
21.) pawer - [noun] power; support for something (slang) more...
22.) maitaguyod - [verb] to be able to support something more...
23.) kandili - [noun] caring for someone; supporting someone more...
24.) kumalingà - [verb] to support; to take care of more...
25.) sapuhín - [verb] to hold or support something with one's hands more...
26.) suhay - [noun] brace; support more...
27.) ménsulá - a piece of wood or stone jutting out from a wall to support any overhanging weight or object; shelf bracket or corbel; bracket; corbel; support; more...
28.) palu - a support or shelter for a boat; brace; support; canopy; more...
29.) patatág - anything that is used to make a framework sturdy; stabilizer; reinforcement; brace; support; more...
30.) taban - holding on to prevent a standing object from falling over; support; brace; steadying; propping; more...
31.) tangkakal - [verb] to support something; to uphold something; to back something; to further something; to help something move forward; to promote something; more...
32.) kóntrapuwerte - any external support for stabilizing a structure against outward swaying, like the brace on the concrete walls of churches; brace; support; buttress; reinforcement; more...
33.) gibík - help; assistance; aid; support; succor; more...
34.) galap - assistance from relatives; aid; help; assistance; support; succor; more...
35.) tagik - a splint for a broken bone; splint; brace; cast; support; more...
36.) tuklang - a wooden prop or support for shutters or a cover for a window; brace; support; prop; more...
37.) pahán - a trimmed footrest or support; footrest; support; pedal; stool; more...
38.) kuwadrál - a brace or support for any angle; brace; support; reinforcement; more...
39.) tumukod - [verb] to support; to keep from falling more...
40.) apoyo - [noun] support more...
41.) sikang - a brace or support for a house or church resembling crossed beams; brace; support; strut; crossbeam; more...
42.) bayabag - a prop or support placed in a house when changing a post or pillar; prop; brace; support; post; shore; more...
43.) andukhâ - patronage or defense of a person considered deserving of pity and love; patronage; support; defense; advocacy; more...
44.) pangtukod - [adjective] for support; for propping up more...
45.) paniig - favoring the right or reason; siding with what is just or reasonable; favor; support; advocacy; alignment; backing; more...
46.) panigás - a post or support that props up a house or roof; pillar; support; prop; stanchion; upright; more...
47.) modilyón - support; any brace or support used to erect or maintain a structure; brace; strut; stay; more...
48.) sayopang - a crutch made of bamboo; crutch; support; brace; more...
49.) kánesilyo - a block or chunk of wood or stone protruding from a wall to support the weight or any crosswise object; corbel; bracket; support; more...
50.) ansál - any object that is placed under something unstable to make it level or steady in its position; shim; wedge; support; spacer; stabilizer; more...
51.) suhot - [noun] support; cheering on; cheering up more...
52.) timbulan - anything that can be grasped to stay afloat; buoy; float; support; more...
53.) tahilan - anything that serves as a brace or support in a framework.; brace; support; prop; strut; stay; more...
54.) talubsók - a long stake for the climbing of plants such as bitter gourd, string beans, and other plants.; stake; pole; support; trellis; more...
55.) puntal - a support or prop; anything used as a support to erect or maintain a structure; brace; support; prop; stay; more...
56.) tiín-tiin - a small piece of wood used as a support for the outriggers of a boat; brace; support; strut; more...
57.) asistí - to aid or give assistance; to help; assist; help; support; aid; more...
58.) tukod - [noun] brace; support; any support used to erect or maintain a structure; stay; buttress; more...
59.) palantayan - piece of wood or bamboo used as a support for a bedstead or table; brace; support; strut; more...
60.) salungkawit - a support that is hanging from above; hook; hanger; support; more...
61.) baskág - framework; structure; skeleton; support; more...
62.) agabay - embrace; to put one's arm around the shoulder of another person as a gesture of guidance or support; support; guidance; assist; aid; more...
63.) bangíl - wedge; anything placed under something unstable to make it level or stable in its position; chock; support; brace; more...
64.) aporo - wood, metal, and the like used for stiffening or reinforcing; brace; support; reinforcement; more...
65.) pamari - a support; any object placed under something unstable to make it level or steady in its place.; support; base; foundation; stabilizer; more...
66.) sapupo - a cupped hand or hands used to support or hold something from underneath; to hold or support with the hands; support; cradle; hold; cup; more...
67.) bakalan - a support for the wall; brace; support; strut; more...
68.) talibsok - a part of the farmer's harrow that connects perpendicularly to the frame and the tooth-holder; brace; crosspiece; support; more...
69.) agiot - strengthening the spirit within a companion; encouragement; morale boosting; support; more...
70.) balangkát - a splint for an object that is broken or fractured; splint; support; brace; cast; more...
71.) mantinimyento - the process of upkeep or the expenses for maintaining; support; maintenance.; upkeep; preservation; sustenance; more...
72.) plántsuwela - metal used in attaching a post to a pier so that it remains upright; bracket; metal brace; support; more...
73.) tudláng - a prop used to keep a window open; prop; support; stay; brace; jam; more...
74.) sondáy - the act of propping up a house or any object; brace; prop; support; shore up; buttress; more...
75.) kalubag - curved bracket or any support strut; brace; support; bracket; reinforcement; more...
76.) andaderas - any aid used to assist in walking by someone with a limp; crutches; walking aid; support; more...
77.) halibayo - a piece of wood that is made into a support for plants to prevent them from toppling over.; stake; post; prop; support; more...
78.) katangan - [noun] support, stand or base supporting something more...

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