
Underline, Bold, Italics, Strikethrough

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Tutorial Pg. #3 of 6

The markup code to underline, bold, italicize, or strikethrough text is similar to highlighting, but uses different symbols.

Underline: __
To underline text, simply surround it with two __ underscore characters:
Hello, my name is __Bob__
Hello, my name is Bob

Bold: %%
To make text bold, simply surround it with two %% percent sign characters:
Hello, my name is %%Bob%%
Hello, my name is Bob

Italics: %%%
To italicize text, simply surround it with three (3) %%% percent sign characters:
Hello, my name is %%%Bob%%%
Hello, my name is Bob

Bold + Italics: %%%%
To bold and italicize text, simply surround it with four (4) %%%% percent sign characters:
Hello, my name is %%%%Bob%%%%
Hello, my name is Bob

Strikethrough: --
To put a strike through text, simply surround it with two -- dash characters:
Hello, my name is --Bob-- John
Hello, my name is Bob John

Try it out!
Tasks: Use markup code to:
1.) Underline the phrase "best friend",
2.) Strikethrough the name "Mary", and
3.) Bold the name "Abby."

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