
Hi all, I recently tried using the Filipino - Adora voice on Waz

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Author Photo by: crsaravia
Aug 08 2022, 11:19am CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
Hi all, I recently tried using the Filipino - Adora voice on Waze. It definitely uses some words that you wouldn't consider "conversational" or the "colloquial term". Nonetheless it may be fun to try out, although I recommend using it when you already know the route you will be taking.
I made some index cards to help me learn to understand the directions hcards/study.php?fla sh_card_set_id=18044 &back=MyFlashCa
They are definitely not perfect, nor complete, but I will try to continue working on them. I just wanted to share in case anyone else was interested.
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Author Photo Juantutri Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 08 2022, 7:39pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
Hi! I tried about five of your flashcards and saw 2 errors in them. One is spelling and the other is a missing linker. If you can PM me with your list of phrases, I can help you make the necessary corrections.
Also, please include the English translations to guide me in making the proper corrections. Thanks!
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Author Photo crsaravia
Aug 08 2022, 8:17pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
@Juantutri Oh, I thought I corrected the errors. I can go take a second look
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Author Photo Juantutri Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 08 2022, 8:24pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
Where did you get the Tagalog translations from? I remember seeing "lumaba" when it should be "lumabas". Another had something like "daanan kanan", which could be "daanan sa kanan", but I wasn't so sure because the entire phrase did not have a natural sound to it.
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Author Photo crsaravia
Aug 08 2022, 8:51pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
@Juantutri I did it by ear from listening to Waze. So it's definitely possible that I did not hear it correctly
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Author Photo crsaravia
Aug 08 2022, 8:55pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
For the "daanan kanan", my intention was for it to be "Use the right lane...". I corrrected the lumabas
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Author Photo Juantutri Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 08 2022, 10:31pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
I went about halfway through your flashcards. The items already keep repeating so I guess I’ve seen almost all, if not all of them already.
These are the ones that need to be corrected.
Gamitin daanan sa kanan/kaliwa/gitan > gamitin ANG daanan sa kanan/kaliwa/gitna = use the right/left/middle lane.
Pagkaraan ng siyam na raan talampakan > PAGKARAAN ng siyam na raanG talampakan (raanG = raan NA. You need the linker “na” because 900 is being used as an adjective) – also, this translates to “AFTER 900 feet”. “IN 900 feet” is “SA LOOB ng siyam na raang talampakan”. Literally, "sa loob" is "inside".
Pagkaraan ng isang-kapat milya > PAGKARAAN ng sangkapat NA milya = AFTER a quarter (of a) mile. (sangkapat is how we usually say it, but if you heard it as isang-kapat in Waze, then just leave it that way). Same reason as above for the need to add "na". "IN a quarter mile" is "SA LOOB ng sangkapat na milya".
Lumabas sa isang labasan – I doubt if this was really what Waze said because it means “exit at an exit”. “Take the first exit” should be “lumabas sa unang labasan”.
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Author Photo crsaravia
Aug 09 2022, 8:20pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
Thank you for going through them. I'll go ahead and make the changes. You are correct that it was lumabas sa unang labasan, I even wrote this down in my notes.
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Author Photo Juantutri Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 09 2022, 9:14pm CST ~ 1 year, 10 mos ago. 
You're welcome! Don't get lost now. 😉
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