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Author Photo by: chocnot
Nov 23 2023, 10:24pm CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
I'm required to give an introduction, so I'll take the opportunity to say that I'm very grateful for this website.
This is amazing. For multiple reasons I've struggled with learning Tagalog for more than a decade, and relied on a bunch of resources that were not always trustworthy. This is far by the most comprehensive, complete website for learning Tagalog. I was hoping to make resources someday to fill in the areas my previous Tagalog resources did not have, but instead, has replaced almost all my resources.
I've never found anything like this. A complete dictionary with all the grammar forms, audio, and example sentences *with audio*. A list of videos in Filipino - and there's even translation and cards! Finally, grammar cloze decks! A shadowing practice tool! Those are only just the ones I love, but there's so much others have relied on. I'm grateful for the creators and volunteers. You're all doing a great service for the Philippines.
I'm having issues with money right now (no poverty, long story) but hopefully I'll donate at least a bit soon.
Anyway, for actionable suggestions:
PHRASE LIST. The only thing this website is missing is a list of phrases and sentences, preferably with audio and a deck. At least the basics for travel ("Saan papunta ang tren na ito?"), at most phrases a Tagalog-speaking Filipino citizen might use at least twice in their lifetime, or what every average Filipino likely said once in their life. If I'm not lazy and there's no attention regarding this I'll make a forum post regarding this. (For users with similar issues: has a bunch of phrases and sentences, especially for travel, but no audio.)
ANKI DECKS AND EXPORTS. Since this doesn't seem to be a for-profit website, wouldn't you want to release your decks in Anki too? Anki has a GitHub so you'll get credit. Anki is the biggest tool hasn't replaced for me, so I don't know if you allow exports to Anki.
EDIT: OK, seems like -anki.php exists, and it's paid, but only $5, which is understandable and you allow for financial difficulty issues with no question, which is great.
FREQUENCY VOCABULARY LIST. EDIT: Forget this, it seems that this deck exists, see ANKI concern above. (Old concern: Similarly, can you release your vocabulary list of the most frequently use words to the public? If did a lot of work to make that list, you can try to establish credit by documenting how you came about these words, so those who use your vocabulary list will have to cite you if they want to make claims that their list is good.)
TRANSLATION AI. When translation AI gets better, consider having a Google Translate alternative. Maybe partner with another service.
FORUM SEARCH. Allow for searching through the forums (through maybe Google Search?) & categorization (at least the basic three topics: introduction vs Tagalog question vs concerns). The forum thrives, but is nearly useless to many people if we can't search for the content I need. I know even small bloggers connect Google Search to their blogs to search within their blogs. Also, let us write a subject when required to write an introduction, since there are odd forum titles here that are just introductions.
(For those with similar issues: You can use " [your search terms] in Google.)
MARKDOWN IN FORUMS. I noticed there are many forums that turn into resources, and I think the markdown or text formatting really helps. I think this, combined with better forum categorization and searching, would turn this forum into a vital resource for learners.
GRAMMAR CLOZES. (Note: I added this suggestion days after this post was posted.) The current grammar game might help but it's not the most natural way to imbued a learner with grammar (though not sure how effective grammar clozes to be honest). Just use all the sample phrases and turn them into clozes. It will definitely need a) some context (a sentence prior to establish tense and such) and b) a native to check it. My alternative is just to memorize a bunch of phrases. (The best way is simply to speak, then write, and hope someone corrects you.)
TRANSLATION API. The audio here is more complete than Forvo. Let me download your audio samples! I'll even pay a bit for an API. This is actually the reason why I wanted to join the forum - to ask how to download them. (I just use Audacity to "extract" the audio - i.e. I play the audio in the computer and Audacity records my computer audio. It'd be much easier if there was an API or something.)
Again I'd like to be clear that I do understand the creators and volunteers are doing their best given their limited time and resources, I don't expect these suggestions to be immediately addressed, and I don't expect all of these to happen. I'm very happy with this website right now and just want to let you know how a pe
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Author Photo AsikotNaPaham
Nov 24 2023, 12:15pm CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
@chonot, hello!
There's a markdown tutorial that you can visit: up/?back=MyAccount
There's also a way to search the forums: age_board/search.php
You can also navigate to the Search functionality if you click on the Forum Menu:
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Nov 25 2023, 8:16am CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
Thank you for the kind words and feedback!
- I agree, a Helpful Phrase List would be pretty nice...
- Anki: I guess you found the paid anki version already. It's also free for people who can't shell out $5 at the moment. Right now I'm giving about 33% access free and 67% paid, at a rate of 3-6 a month (not a huge demand).
- Frequency List: Yeah, I think people underestimate how much work went into creating that list! It's based on millions of words of text, mostly from audio, to create a more practical list...
- We built a program to painstakingly combine entries of variant spellings from our corpus (with and without ng ligature; "hindi" + "'di" + "hinding"; combining verb aspects into one, including all the spelling variations possible there as well) so that multiple people can work on it at once. It was also critical to have a good, efficient way to search the large corpus for multiple possible variations at once, a prevent missing variations the we didn't think of. Then we added a way to attach audio from the dictionary, a flagging system if someone needs another person to review, and a QA system so that each entry gets checked. I've thought about writing a more in-depth article about it...but thought it might also be pretty boring/dry. ; )
- Forum Search & Markdown: AsikotNaPaham I think pointed you in the right direction. Forum search is not the greatest though.
- Audio: Posted about this in another thread, hopefully it helps. Something more robust would probably be useful though, I agree!
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Nov 25 2023, 8:16am CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
( @chocnot Oops forgot to @ping you )
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Nov 25 2023, 8:22am CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
Forum Image
A snapshot of our "Frequency Manager" program built to create the 2k List...
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Nov 25 2023, 8:28am CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
TRANSLATION AI. When translation AI gets better, consider having a Google Translate alternative. Maybe partner with another service.
Which translate button are you using? I added an "Explain Sentence" button in the Reader that uses OpenAI (GPT4) to translate and then try to explain the sentence structure. The only problem is that the GPT API is still a little slow...typically taking something like 9-15 seconds to translate...compared to the Google Translate API which is much faster (2-4 seconds).
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Author Photo chocnot
Nov 25 2023, 10:28am CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
@AsikotNaPaham thanks so much, markdown looks great. Hmm, let me try... kumusta! I think it'd be nice if new forum users saw it automatically but then again I might've just not realized it was there.
@jkos I saw your name multiple times and it just occurred to me now you're one of the website owners! Seriously meant what I said, this website's the best.
I didn't use Reader much so I didn't notice. I was referring to having a Google Translate alternative I guess for general use but in retrospect it's not required since you use GPT-4 na. Maybe a link to the translators that you recommend? Then again recommendations for tools isn't your website's scope... So I guess ignore that suggestion.
To be honest, if you have time to kill and don't mind the effort, even if dry, I think it'd be great to write an article anyway just to show how good the list is. I think it's great and an article makes people trust it more than some person who exclusively used AI with no human output, or a non-Tagalog-speaker who didn't get their list verified by a native. Helps prevent piracy to some extent. I'd buy it if I weren't intermediate level.
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Author Photo chocnot
Nov 25 2023, 10:45am CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
I checked Reader. I didn't know had a LingQ alternative. I've always wanted something like that! I can finally read those deep philosophy essays in Tagalog.
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Author Photo AsikotNaPaham
Nov 25 2023, 11:20am CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
Hello, @chocnot! Kamustá rin pô! Sana'y enjoy kayó sa paggamit ng Yeah, kinda hidden these menu options are. We just need to explore more though just like anything.
@jkos, is there any way for all our posts to be visible? I could only retrieve the latest ones I made.
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Author Photo chocnot
Nov 26 2023, 4:32pm CST ~ 6 mos. ago. 
@jkos adding to my list of suggestions: grammar cloze practice. Honestly didn't realize the cloze game was about vocabulary instead of grammar. The other grammar game might help but it's not the most natural way to imbued a learner with grammar (though not sure how effective grammar clozes to be honest). Just use all the sample phrases and turn them into clozes. It will definitely need a) some context (a sentence prior to establish tense and such) and b) a native to check it. My alternative is just to memorize a bunch of phrases. (The best way is simply to speak, then write, and hope someone corrects you.)
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Author Photo chocnot
Jan 11 2024, 8:39am CST ~ 4 mos., 27 days ago. 
@chocnot Regarding the clozes:
Found the sentences game of that helps with grammar. Will have to ask my Philippine friends how it sounds like but I'm already optimistic about it when I saw words like "too" and "Malamang". I actually felt really excited since that was the sort of exercise I was looking for. For an intermediate learner like me, it's amazing.
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Jan 11 2024, 8:48pm CST ~ 4 mos., 27 days ago. 
Thanks! Yeah, the sentences were created by Filipinos, and they were never translated from English (which causes very awkward and forced sentences found on Tataoeba and another Tag cloze game). The Filipino speakers were given a Tagalog word, and asked to generate an illustrative sentence from it. Now, since they were generate on the fly and were required to use the given word, they won’t all be super casual out of context, but I think they’re all pretty helpful for improving vocab depth and for analyzing grammar and structure.
If you get to a point where the cloze game becomes too easy, there is a newish similar exercise, under the “Sentence Generation” link, here: ences-game/generatio n.php
It gives you an english sentence and you try to generate the Tagalog translation based on the spaces given. This is much harder, so if it causes a lot of frustration, it may be still too early yet to work on that exercise. Also, there are often several “correct” answers, so you have to be comfortabe with the ambiguity of sometimes having a right answer that is different than the one given.
Both versions, I think, are great at exposing you to the variety of sentence structures and grammatical structures you find in Tagalog.
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Author Photo chocnot
Jan 11 2024, 8:51pm CST ~ 4 mos., 27 days ago. 
Ah yeah, that Sentence Generation was what I was referring to. Of course design-wise there are issues, but ultimately I still like it a lot. The hints are what I feel really help cause much less ambiguity.
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Jan 11 2024, 10:21pm CST ~ 4 mos., 27 days ago. 
Oh yeah, I think the Sentence Generation is great at helping with helps, too, with getting you to more quickly or automatically pick actor vs object focus verbs when appropriate.
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