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Author Photo by: juunewe
Mar 23 2024, 1:57pm CST ~ 2 mos., 24 days ago. 
Hi, I'm June and from Alberta, Canada. A lot of the population here is Filipino, 5.2% I think. I'm only half, which makes me feel like a fraud already, and not knowing the main language of the Philippines kinda makes it worse. I wanna be able to have a conversation with my lola before she dies. where should I start?
I think I introduced myself in the wrong place, but I don't think deleting messages actually deletes them, and I think having it here twice is more embarrassing, sorry!
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Mar 24 2024, 11:24am CST ~ 2 mos., 23 days ago. 
@juunewe Welcome! The key to learning a new language is persistence. Be patient with yourself, learning a new language is difficult and takes time. A good grammar book is useful. This site has the best (imo) online dictionary with audio. It’s sweet that you want to talk with your lola. How old is she now? It might be a fun exercise to ask her personal questions (what was it like growing up, tell me about your home town, tell me about your childhood) and record her Tagalog response…then as your language skills improve you can come back to them over time and hear them with progressively more clarity. Good luck!
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Author Photo DenC Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Mar 24 2024, 11:34am CST ~ 2 mos., 23 days ago. 
@juunewe Hello! If you don't know or have very little understanding of the fundamentals, I suggest you start with grammar. Even if some understand Tagalog when they hear it, they find it hard to construct because the basic principles aren't that clear to them yet.
It doesn't have to be a formal class (but you can do that if you want to) and you can follow this order on Tagalog Lite []. I think it's good that it's a bit simplified so that learners can absorb and understand easier. Then you can expand your vocabulary with the dictionary here and from different media like songs or movies, vlogs, etc.
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Author Photo juunewe
Mar 24 2024, 3:59pm CST ~ 2 mos., 23 days ago. 
@jkos Thank you for the advice! She doesn't tell anyone her age, she says it's rude to ask a lady that, but I will be calling her more often now, thanksss
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