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Author Photo frankwilliams
Aug 17 2021, 7:23am CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
I want to learn how to use this site most properly.
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Author Photo shainalatuno
Aug 17 2021, 1:28pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Shaina Latuno. I am from United States and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I want to converse with my family and the patients at my work.
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Author Photo LinguistAngie
Aug 17 2021, 4:14pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Angie. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because.... I grew up in the Philippines and spoke the language regularly. Unfortunately, schools in the US require a foreign language during high school and my high school did not allow any option to study Tagalog. Instead, I was forced to take Spanish, which caused me to lose much of my Tagalog. I am now teaching my daughter the language and reinforcing my skills.
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Author Photo malaminero12345 Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 17 2021, 6:04pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Rosalie. I am from Philippines and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo kat621
Aug 17 2021, 9:24pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is kat621. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I am married to a Pinoy
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Author Photo annajantaran
Aug 17 2021, 10:01pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is annajantaran. I am from Atlanta and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I am part filipina but was raised with English, so I don't know the language. I want to be able to speak with family members more easily
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Author Photo Pavs Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 18 2021, 2:37am CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Pavs. I am from Philippines and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because i want to learn proper Tagalog words i can use at work.
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Author Photo Chino
Aug 18 2021, 3:02am CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Elvis I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....I have Filipino friends and I would like to speak Tagalog to them.
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Author Photo d3rut4
Aug 18 2021, 8:22am CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Jeremy. I am from Nice in France and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I've met filipino people and I also want to visite Philippines when it will be possible. Hope we can get well along !
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Author Photo Ion2354
Aug 18 2021, 4:11pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Ion2354. I am from Quezon City, Philippines and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I want to be good resident of Kaligayahan, Quezon City.
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Author Photo JamesTheOwl5o Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 18 2021, 9:15pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is JamesTheOwl5o. I am from Africa and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because.... My cousins are filipino.
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Author Photo dscwriter Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 19 2021, 4:18am CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
@frankwilliams interesting. Are you a protestanteng kristiyano? (practicing your Filipino now 🧐)
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Author Photo DarkShadows2598
Aug 19 2021, 8:26am CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is DarkShadows2598. I am from Virginia and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I want to be able to talk to my girlfriend in her native language.
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Author Photo allenmc1955
Aug 19 2021, 11:21am CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Mike. I am from the UK living in Birmingham, and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I have a Filipino girl friend and plan to move to The Philippines one day.
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Author Photo lostintranslatio
Aug 19 2021, 6:23pm CST ~ 2 years, 10 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is lostintranslatio. I am from USA and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I live here with my Philippine wife and I do not know how to speak her language. I have been in the Philippines for more than three years, but I can only understand a few words. I need a lot of help!
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