
Hello! My name is Jason. I am from Michigan, USA and I am a Begi

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Author Photo by: KislonEcho
Feb 10 2020, 9:24am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Hello! My name is Jason. I am from Michigan, USA and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I married a pinay (hope that's an appropriate way to use the proper term) and we like the idea of moving to the Philippines full-time and to retire sometime in the future Lord willing.
I look forward to trying to learn asking with you all though it seems a daunting task. If love to hear what you all think works best that I can use and then if course will have my wife to try to practice with. Reviews seem to suggest Rosetta Stone isn't great, but Pimsleur works, but unless I can get Pimsleur fr I m my library both are expensive. Your thoughts on these?
What Android apps do you use, what do you pay for? Is worth it?
Thank you
Please let me share this because this is super important. Most of us think we qualify as a good person, but are you truly purely a good person? Ever told a lie? Have you stolen something even if it was of little value? Been drunk? Had sex out of marriage or even looked at someone to lust after them? Jesus said that if you look at a woman to lust after her then you have already committed adultery in your heart. The New Testament of the Bible tells us that he who hates his brother is a murderer, that no liar or thief or drunkard or fornicator etc. will inherit the kingdom of God. You only have to tell someone one lie for them to justly call you a liar, or to steal the tiniest thing to be a thief. God looks at our hearts and not just our actions and that is why hate is murder lust is adultery, etc. It doesn't matter how you justify it. God's standards are higher than our own and it is important to understand that he will judge us by true, pure, perfect goodness, not our own standard that allow us to think ourselves generally a good person despite the sins we have committed. The Bible is clear. You have sinned before God and will be found guilty sentenced to torment in eternal fire. A good human judge won't let a murderer or a rapist go free and doesn't check to see how many good deeds they have done, only if they have broken the law, you are guilty or innocent and if you have sinned even once you are guilty. God is so good that his standard is higher than our own and he will also punish not just rapists and murderers, but also someone for telling a lie, getting drunk, lusting, using his name in vain or blasphemously, etc. God is righteous and holy and demands proper punishment for our sins. Your beliefs can't change reality, God is real and so is hell. God is also merciful and loving. He sent his son Jesus to live the perfect life we fail to do. He then took the punishment and death sentence we ourselves deserve. He didn't deserve the punishment having never sinned, but took that punishment for us. Jesus was the only one who was truly purely good and he was tortured and died on the cross as a sacrifice for those who trust in him. He then rose from the dead the third day which shows his victory and power over death and hell and his ability to save us.
It was a legal transaction where he took the punishment meant for you. Think of how you can break the law and get a speeding ticket, it doesn't matter if someone else pays the ticket as long as it gets paid. You don't have to make the payment for your own sins, Jesus came to do that for us because God wants all to be saved. Jesus and the Bible teaches that you can have his payment put on your account by repentance and faith alone. This means you must turn away from your sins and trust in what Jesus did dying in your place and rising again from the grave. True faith is not believing with your mind, but trusting with all your heart. True repentance is truly being sorry for the sins you have committed and a desire to no longer to do those things. A prayer doesn't save you, doing good deeds cant save you, you cannot make up for it or be good enough, you have already sinned, you are already guilty, only the blood of Christ, only his sacrifice in your place can save you, turn from sin and trust in him today. A true Christian doesn't pray or do good deeds in order to be forgiven, that only comes through repentance and faith, a true Christian does good deeds because they are already saved and desire to please God. The works prove the truth of their faith, but do not save you. We are saved by faith alone. Please repent today and trust in Jesus. So many false teachings abound. Please read the Bible for yourself so you know the truth. Start with the new testament and obey what you read. You are free to do with this information what you want, but please don't just dismiss it as nothing is more important. Thank you and I wish you well.
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Author Photo TLDCAdmin Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Feb 10 2020, 10:54am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Welcome, @KislonEcho
Glad to have you!
Just a head's up, from the Community Agreement here:
>> "This forum is focused on Filipino Language and Culture. General chit-chat is fine, too! However: discussions about politics, race, sexuality or religion will be removed.
About your questions:
I found Rosetta stone to be very ineffective. It may be good for a very beginner level, but I think you need at least a little bit of grounding in grammar theory to understand what you're learning. Rosetta Stone's one-size-fits-all-languages approach doesn't do this very well.
I haven't tried Plimsleur or Learningtagalog.
For general vocabulary building, we have a number of sets of words based on frequency (from our 24 million sample texts) that you can use to learn new vocabulary efficiently, here:
www.tagaloglessons.c om/flashcards/top_on e_thousand_words.php
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Author Photo KislonEcho
Feb 10 2020, 11:04am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Thank you for the reply and your take and experiences on things as well as the link. Do you feel this website and trying to use what I learn in conversations with my wife will be enough to learn?
One thing I have found interesting is that what most apps and such i have looked at have shown me are often different then the way she talks, as far as I understand it she just speaks Tagalog and English, but the apps often say things in ways that her family would never say it, she is from Cavite, but that seems so close to Manila, that I thought it would be pretty close to what most apps and lessons would teach? But some of the phrases she says like i said they either wouldnt say it that way or that they doon't actually use that phrase, I guess its becasue the app is taking an english phrase and translating it rather than looking at what a true Filipino might say in the same context or similiar meaning wihtout it being a direct translation of the english to Tagalog, as it seems like you'd want to understand that what you are saying isnt a direct translation but you would want to know what would sound right and not odd to Filipino's. Not all of her family is comfortable speaking English, and if we move there knowing Tagalog seems good so hopefully I can learn
But it seems some things are just different between the two langauges, for example I usually say to her when I drop her off at work "have a nice day" or something, and with us switching to try to use Tagalog, she tole me how to say "take care" which I have already forgotten, and I have seen "Paalam" before, though apparently I have trouble pronouncing it correctly. Regardless I asked her how to say have a nice day and she said she didn't know, so I assume this is one of those cases of something that doesn't actually translate, would you guys just say "take care" instead of have a nice day? Or maybe she was just rushed to get to work since we were running late so didn't have time to come up with how to say it, but I doin't want to say odd phrrases you know? It's normal here to say "have a nice day", but if thats not a normal way to say that sentiment in Tagalog, what is?
Thank you!
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Author Photo TLDCAdmin Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Feb 10 2020, 11:09am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Yeah...a lot of this comes down to what is customary, and "have a nice day" is not a customary thing to say to someone in the Philippines when you're dropping someone off...but "take care" is ("Ingat ka!"). She doesn't know a good translation for "Have a nice day" because it's just not something say commonly and would sound strange to a native speaker.
You'll want to try to use the words and patterns that other Filipinos use to sound more natural...trying to translate too perfectly, word for word, will sound really awkward, especially as you start to use more verbs since their sentence structure is very different.
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Author Photo KislonEcho
Feb 10 2020, 11:37am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
I agree I want to use the words and patterns other Filipinos use. Do you feel this site alone is enough to learn Tagalog? as you didn't seem to suggest any other additions? I'll have to look more deeply later but the link you sent me to before for vocab looks good, and then trying to use that while talking to my wife should help a lot so maybe this resource is enough, do you use any phone apps or anything else? or are there any other resources people that use this site tend to also use? Thanks for such prompt replies. I'm surprised you don't seem to have ads or anything so you could hopefully at least make a little money from this site? As I am glad its free, I love free things but still want the person running it to make some money. Thank you.
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Author Photo TLDCAdmin Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Feb 10 2020, 11:45am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Do you feel this site alone is enough to learn Tagalog?
No way. The lessons here are pretty rudimentary...some day I'll be able to flesh them out some more, but you'll need more grammar than just what is here.
My philosophy is that learning a language is a long, iterative process. You'll need to bounce around through a lot of resources, picking the ones that you learn best from and say it in language you understand best. The trick is to study materials that are just on the "edge" of being difficult, but not frustrating...I hope this site contributes to those resources in some way.
This site DOES, in my humble opinion, have the best dictionary, by far, for new language definitely use it for that. (The main reason for this is because the dictionary is specifically programmed with the structure of the Tagalog language in mind and was built for this language only...unlike others that are generic for any language...and this fact makes a huge difference in practical ways...also, this site uses accent marks and audio to get pronunciation right from the beginning...nothing is worse than having to re-learn how to pronounce words...the other dictionaries has no accents and/or very little audio).
In my opinion, the best strategy is to learn SOME grammar (basic sentence patterns, how the various verbs are conjugated) and learn a LOT of vocabulary...and then, as quickly as possible, start learning by "osmosis" through reading and listening to a ton of content in the target language (Tagalog)...
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Author Photo TLDCAdmin Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Feb 10 2020, 11:47am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
I'm surprised you don't seem to have ads or anything so you could hopefully at least make a little money from this site? As I am glad its free, I love free things but still want the person running it to make some money. Thank you.
Thanks! This is my hobby...I have a good job, so I don't need to earn money from this website...I do it for fun and in hopes of helping people learn the language. I put some of my skills from my main job to use here, to build some of the tools I wished I had had when starting to learn the language a long time ago...
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Author Photo KislonEcho
Feb 11 2020, 9:25pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
@TLDCAdmin www.tagaloglessons.c om/lessons/ p?lesson_id=83&csid= 180
The audio doesn't work for me on this page just so you know.
Thank you
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Author Photo KislonEcho
Feb 11 2020, 9:25pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Removed by Author
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Author Photo KislonEcho
Feb 12 2020, 9:40pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
@TLDCAdmin Are the flashcards here if the Anki variety, not sure what Anki means
Thank you!
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Author Photo TLDCAdmin Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Feb 13 2020, 11:19am CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Anki is a flash card program...
This site has its own flash card program.
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Author Photo KislonEcho
Feb 13 2020, 12:33pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
@TLDCAdmin Yes I think Anki uses certain "special" algorithims so didn't know if yours was similiar. I am liking yours, though it seems perhaps yours is targeted towards foreigners? For example you say the flashcards are the 1,000 most common words, but Mabuhay for "Welcome" my wife said they would never say that, its usually only used towards foreigners taking a tour or such or in pageants and that natives don't usually say that to each other. So just curious your take on that? I figure maybe your list is geared towards foreigners so thats why that is included since foreigners are likely to hear it doing toursity things?
Also audio is working for that section that it didn't before, so may have been an error on my end.
Thanks so much for your help and site, knowing its well picked 1000 words I've deleted numerous apps and am thinking to focus on your flashcards for now. Plus like you said they seem more accurate, one app said Maganda meant "Awesome" which your site and my wife disagree with, while I understand in English someone might say "Beautiful" and "Awesome" in similiar situations, they mean different things so I like having the proper meaning etc so I got rid of that app.
Seems a lot of the programs and apps either use formal Tagalog that native speakers don't usually actually use, or have some wrong translations, so makes it difficult but I am liking yours. Once you do flesh out your grammar more you may be all someone like me who can talk all the time with my wife needs to learn Tagalog. A lot of programs seem to focus on hearing/seeing sentences and learrning the grammer from that, you seem to have some sentences, but I don't know I fully understand the layout or what not, I am focusing on the vocab, and need to go through the lessons and then teh drills I guess, how many sentences/phrases do you have? I kept the apps that have some phrases but if you have a decent amount and you feel they are better with the more used vocab then my life can be simpliefied by mostly using your site which I like.
Thank you!
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Author Photo TLDCAdmin Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Feb 13 2020, 12:48pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
Thanks, @KislonEcho !
I think people should learn "mabuhay" ...I just see it too often (especially in the context of traveling and tourism and celebrations), and it's kind of an iconic word that the Philippines is known for. It does get a lot of natural usage, too...
www.tagaloglessons.c om/examplefinder/ind ex.php?keyword=mabuh ay&corpus_selec
Flash cards are inherently too one-dimensional to be sufficient, alone, to speak the language...but once you've learned the definition of a word through flash cards, it's easier to start learning how to use the word properly in context, IMO.
There's also the problem of...a word might have two meanings, but one is used all the time and one is used you include both meanings on the card, or only include the ones that are very common? It might not be good to overload beginners by adding the rare don't want to overwhelm new students...
Anyway, this is to say that there are a LOT of judgment calls that go into making a "Top 1,000" list, there's no one right answer. But I hope our list is found to be useful to people, as it focuses on words that are 1.) most useful, 2.) most common, and 3.) somewhat simplified to target beginner students.
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Author Photo KislonEcho
Feb 13 2020, 1:00pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
@TLDCAdmin Great, thank you for your reply and explanations. So the search you linked to, all that content is loaded into your database to search? It says its from stories and so on, are those available to read on the site to help grow the language skills?
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Author Photo TLDCAdmin Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Feb 13 2020, 1:10pm CST ~ 4 years ago. 
That's the "Text Search Tool". It can mostly be used for research...
For example, you can search for a word to see examples of how the word is used in other texts. Or you can search for two different words to see which one is used more frequently. This is more for intermediate language students. The text covers ~ 24 million words of Tagalog content, which is about the same length as 300 good sized novels.
You can't read the texts alone, due to copyright issues...but most of the texts are from Reddit /tagalog, Tagalog news websites (like and Wattpad, if you want to find some content to read on your own.
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