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Author Photo Muryl22
Aug 23 2021, 5:17pm CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Mary. I am from Manchester, United Kingdom and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I have family in the Philippines, and I would really like to be able to talk to my Lola without her getting nosebleed. 😆
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Author Photo hezglobal123
Aug 24 2021, 12:44am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is hezglobal123. I am from UAE and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I want to know more the daily conversational language.
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Author Photo Zyrah Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 24 2021, 2:12am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Zyra. I am from Philippines and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I want to learn more about this and regain the knowledge I've forgotten.
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Author Photo jhan Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Aug 24 2021, 2:24am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is jhan. I am from phililipines and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo ajlaroya
Aug 24 2021, 6:49am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Arthur. I am from Australia and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I am a Filipino adult born in Australia who can't even speak his own native language 😂. So I'm learning Tagalog so I can communicate with my Filipino brothers and sisters and to strengthen my cultural identity. ✌
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Author Photo H1RR25
Aug 24 2021, 10:08am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is H1RR25. I am from the Philippines and I am a Filipino.
I am using to answer my homeworks
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Author Photo doctorsh
Aug 24 2021, 4:43pm CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is doctorsh. I am from Florida and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language sons are learning it too! And I want to communicate with other Filipinos here in Jacksonville Florida and abroad. And my mom is Cebuano!
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Author Photo Philliqs
Aug 24 2021, 5:43pm CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Wow! Its nice you want to learn the Filipino language. Welcome to our community. It is nice to have you hear, it is always good to see someone who wants to learn our language.
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Author Photo Montokyo
Aug 24 2021, 11:50pm CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Montokyo. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because my grandma is from the Philippines and I want to learn Tagalog so I can talk to her in her native language, and connect with my heritage better.
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Author Photo Nanot
Aug 25 2021, 12:31am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Nanot. I am from Malaysia and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because i like to learn new language especially tagalog.
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Author Photo Leonardo15
Aug 25 2021, 2:36am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Leonardo15. I am from Metro Manila and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
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Author Photo nichalf
Aug 25 2021, 6:46am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is nichalf AKA Nicole. I am a Beginner Filipino language student. I want to learn Filipino because I'm half filipino and want to explore my roots
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Author Photo jqjq
Aug 25 2021, 7:25am CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Jiahui and I'm from Singapore. I've been to the Philippines once, to the island of Bohol!
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Author Photo Khickey127
Aug 25 2021, 12:04pm CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Kelly, Khickey127. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
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I am studying the Filipino language because I am dating a Filipino man and, while he has lived in the US his whole life, his mother speaks Tagalog often in the home and not only was I intrigued and eager to learn a new language but she was so excited that I cared. So hopefully I can at least get better at small talk and keep surprising her
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Author Photo abyneci
Aug 25 2021, 1:26pm CST ~ 2 years, 9 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Kenneth Abayan. I am from United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....I never got a chance to speak to my grandmother and my cousin passed away recently and I have lots of cousins in the philippines which i cannot speak our own language
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