
Having trouble learning when to use MAG conjugations or UM conju

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Author Photo by: cyong
Jan 13 2023, 12:54pm CST ~ 1 year, 3 mos ago. 
Having trouble learning when to use MAG conjugations or UM conjugations, if someone can help explain
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Author Photo jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
Jan 13 2023, 3:05pm CST ~ 1 year, 3 mos ago. 
MAG- verbs are easier....
Infinitive = mag + root
Completed (Past) = nag + root
Uncompleted (Present) = nag + ro + root (where "ro" is the first consonant and first vowel of the root)
Contemplated (Future) = mag + ro + root
Ex: Root "laro" (here, "root" = "laro", so "ro" = "la")
Infinitive = mag + laro = maglaro
Completed = nag + laro = naglaro
Uncompleted = nag + la + laro = naglalaro
Contemplated = mag + la + laro = maglalaro
- - - - - - -
-UM- verbs are a little trickier since the transformation takes place inside the root...
Infinitive = r + um + oot (where "r" is the first consonant of the root, and "oot" is the rest of the root)
Completed (Past) = r + um + oot (same as infinitive)
Uncompleted (Present) = r + um + o + root
Contemplated (Future) = ro + root
Ex: Root "kain" (here, "root" = "kain", so "r" = "k", "ro" = "ka" and "oot" = "ain")
Completed = k + um + ain = kumain
Uncompleted = k + um + a + kain = kumakain
Contemplated = ka + kain = kakain
- - - - - - - -
I made this program to drill verbs a while back...I think it can help you get an intuitive feel for how Tagalog verbs are conjugated if you do the drills a bunch of times: tice/verb-conjugatio ns/
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Author Photo Kusmag
Jan 15 2023, 9:29am CST ~ 1 year, 3 mos ago. 
@cyong In my experience, generally speaking, UM verbs are used for verbs done physically by a person such as speaking, jumping, punching etc.
Everything else is generally Mag.
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