
Wattpad for Tagalog Students

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Author Photo by: jkos Badge: AdminBadge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
May 11 2020, 11:46am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Wattpad for Tagalog Students
For a long time I've been a champion of students using Wattpad to immerse themselves in Tagalog content. Here is some more info on how best to use Wattpad as a Tagalog language student. There is also an special tool for patrons that I'll be sending out to them separately.
( NOTE: This is **not** a paid sponsorship from Wattpad. I get no money from them for this post or anything else. I use their site as one of many tools to better study the language. )
Wattpad is an extremely popular platform in the Philippines where amateur authors can publish their work for everyone to read! Some Wattpad authors have even achieved mainstream fame and physical book publications from their contributions on the platform. It's a great source of content because you'll find thousands of Tagalog-language stories there if you know where to search.
For a long time I've been a champion of immersing in fiction as a way of learning a language well. It's important to read fiction in conjunction with non-fiction to become a well rounded student of the language. Why? To get a really good grasp of the language and be able to express yourself fully, you need to learn the kind of vocabulary that fiction is fully of: emotion words, feeling words, and internal thought process words. This kind of content is just too uncommon in non-fiction, and as a practical consideration, these types of words are important to connect with people in day to day life.
To start using Wattpad, you'll want to make it easier to find Tagalog specific content. To do that, go to and register a Wattpad account, then go to the "Settings" page and select "Filipino" for the story language. This will prioritize Tagalog/Filipino stories above English ones making the site a lot easier to use when searching for Tagalog stories.
Once you have your account set up, you will primarily be using the "Browse" tab at the top of the page (Desktop layout) to browse a variety of story categories. The stories under the Browse categories are prioritized by popularity, so this is a good way to separate the entertaining and higher quality stories from everything else. ( Admittedly, Wattpad is a writing platform for amateur writers, so there is a fair amount of low quality content mixed in with the good stuff. )
There are a TON of Tagalog language stories to choose from, including categories like Historical Fiction, Sci Fi, Chick Lit, Adventure, Fantasy and more. If you're a fan of fiction, you're sure to find something of interest with a little digging.
Happy reading, everyone!
P.S. -- I'm working on a tool to make reading through Wattpad even easier. For now this tool is reserved for Patreon members and is available now. If you're interested in supporting and getting early access to features like this, please consider joining! Tiers start at $3/mo. www.tagaloglessons.c om/patreon/
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Author Photo akosikoneho
May 12 2020, 9:47pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Works a charm. I found a tagalog horror story at about my level that is acceptable quality. I'm a big fan of /r/nosleep, and /r/HFY so I'm used to amateur writings. Thanks for this tool. I find these stories more digestible than news. My vocab slants towards the spoken register anyhow.
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Author Photo AMBoy Badge: SupporterBadge: Serious SupporterBadge: VIP Supporter
May 12 2020, 10:42pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Works great!
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Author Photo Ahkasi
May 13 2020, 9:45am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
I am still trying to work my way thru the 1st paragraph of "50 shades of grey" - Tagalog Version-
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