

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word pinagtitibay.
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The Tagalog word pinagtitibay is the Filipino verb pagtibayin » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

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[verb] to enforce or reinforce something; to ratify something

Verb conjugations of pagtibayin:

Object Focus Icon
Root: tibayConjugation Type: -In Verb
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
pagtibayin  Play audio #38274
Completed (Past):
pinagtibay  Play audio #38275
Uncompleted (Present):
pinagtitibay  Play audio #38276
Contemplated (Future):
pagtitibayin  Play audio #38277
Pinagtitibay Example Sentences in Tagalog: (12)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Natuwâ akó nang pagtibayin itó ng Kongreso.
Play audio #37701Audio Loop
I was happy when the congress ratified it.
Dapat nang pagtibayin ang kásunduan ng dalawáng bansâ.
Play audio #37639Audio Loop
The agreement between the two countries should be ratified.
Dapat itóng pagtibayin ng korte.
Play audio #36175Audio Loop
This should be ratified by the court.
Pinagtibay ng UN ang UDHR noóng 1948.
Play audio #37404Audio Loop
The UN adopted the UDHR in 1948.
Pinagtibay nilá ang isáng resolusyón.
Play audio #37300Audio Loop
They adopted a resolution.
Pinagtibay ng Korte ang kalayaan sa relihiyón.
Play audio #48820Audio Loop
The court upheld the right to freedom of religion.
Hindî itó pinagtitibay ng Estados Unidos.
Play audio #37545Audio Loop
The United States doesn't ratify it.
Pinagtitibay na itó ng maraming bansâ.
Play audio #37805Audio Loop
It is already being ratified by many countries.
Pinagtitibay ang kumbensiyón tungkól sa karapatán ng mga ba.
Play audio #37156Audio Loop
The convention about the rights of children are being ratified.
Magkákabi itó kung pagtitibayin itó.
Play audio #37600Audio Loop
It will take effect once it is ratified.
Pagtitibayin ang isáng pederál na repúbliká.
Play audio #37464Audio Loop
A federal republic will be established.
Nangako ang Kongreso na pagtitibayin ang pánukalang batás.
Play audio #36899Audio Loop
The Congress promised to enact the bill.

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