
Root: ganda

ganda is a common word root in the Filipino language.

Meaning of the root ganda:
~ related to beauty, being beautiful

Ganda Words and Definitions:

Example words using the Filipino / Tagalog root "ganda"

magandá : 1.) [adjective] beautiful; pretty; good in appearance of quality; lovely; cute; 2.) [adjective] good; nice;   more... »
Maganda : [Adjective] beautiful; pretty   more... »
gandá : [noun] beauty; prettiness; goodness   more... »
gumandá : [verb] to become beautiful; to become pretty; to get better; to be good   more... »
pínakamagandá : [adjective] prettiest; the most beautiful; the best   more... »
kagandahan : [noun] beauty; goodness   more... »
nápakagandá : [adjective] very beautiful; very attractive; good-looking; magnificent   more... »
magandahán : [verb] to be attracted to   more... »
pagandahín : [verb] to make something beautiful; to beautify something; to make something better   more... »
mas magandá : [adjective] more beautiful   more... »
gandahán : [verb] to make something beautiful; to beautify something; to make something attractive   more... »
mapagandá : [verb] to be able to make something beautiful; to be able to make something good   more... »
págandahan : [noun] beauty pageant; beauty contest; beauty competition   more... »
magpagandá : [verb] to make beautiful; to embellish   more... »
pampagandá : to make more beautiful; to make better   more... »
pagandá : getting beautiful; cosmetic   more... »
nakakagandá : [adjective] beautifying   more... »
gandá-gandá : [adjective] very beautiful; very good   more... »
hermosa : beautiful; attractive; pretty; lovely; charming;   more... »
pagpapagandá : [noun] improvement; betterment; making oneself beautiful   more... »
gandáng-gandá : finding something beautiful   more... »
kagandáhang-loób : [noun] pure character, commonly identified by good fellowship and benevolent interaction with others; kindness; goodwill; generosity; benevolence; good nature;   more... »
kagandáhang-asal : [noun] good character; behavior, actions, and speech that are in accordance with excellent and proper human interaction; being polite and correct in behavior in any social occasion; good manners; courtesy; decorum; propriety; civility;   more... »
igandá : [verb] to become beautiful   more... »
gandáng-usá : a species of grass; grass; deer grass;   more... »
kasinggandá : [adjective] as beautiful; just as beautiful   more... »
hindî magandá : [adjective] ugly   more... »
magandáng-loób : [adjective] generous   more... »

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