
Recent Threads by Kersheys

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Question: Term for "the rest of something"
posted: Aug 25th, 2023 11:58am
"Question: Term for "the rest of something" In english you could say "rest of your things, clothes, family etc." Is there a tagalog equivalent and if there is can this be used for bith people and things?..."
Question: Tagapag vs Taga
posted: Aug 9th, 2023 3:21pm
"Question: Tagapag vs Taga As I understand it tagapag is an prefix for the doer of an action, so tagapagalaga is carer, tapagaluto is cook etc. However I have also seen taga used in similar contexts. Do both of these words have the same meaning, is there a regional difference to where these words are used?..."
Meanings of Magaga and Kunilala?
posted: Sep 19th, 2022 3:51pm
"Meanings of Magaga and Kunilala?..."
Meaning of Magkaloobito or just the root Kaloobito?
posted: Sep 19th, 2022 3:44pm
"Meaning of Magkaloobito or just the root Kaloobito? Context is Upang huwag magaga, huwag maapi, kinakailangang magkaloobito na kunilala at tumakwil sa mga lilong may balatkayo.•..."
Conjugating pa-in and pa-an verbs...
posted: Sep 8th, 2022 11:35am
"Conjugating pa-in and pa-an verbs... I've always been confused when trying to conjugate the uncompleted tense of such verbs because it seems they are often conjugated in two different ways; Take for instance "patulugin", i've seen this conjugated as both pinatutulog and pinapatulog. Are they both right with equal meaning or does usingone form change the meaning?..."
Question: Is there a Tagalog term for reading a message but not
posted: Aug 23rd, 2022 4:49am
"Question: Is there a Tagalog term for reading a message but not responding to it? A bit like "leaving someone on read" in English...."
Question: Meaning of Sinisilungan/Sinisilangan?
posted: Aug 9th, 2022 12:10pm
"Question: Meaning of Sinisilungan/Sinisilangan ?..."
Meaning of Bumanag?
posted: Aug 8th, 2022 5:31pm
"Meaning of Bumanag?..."
Question: Meaning of Ipaiilalim?
posted: Jun 21st, 2022 7:16pm
"Question: Meaning of Ipaiilalim? Context is Walang sino mang ipaiilalim sa di-makatwirang pagdakip, pagpigil o pagpapatapon.• My guess is "No person will be subjected/a subject of unreasonable arrest, prevention or deportation/exile." If Ipaiilalim is a verb not a noun i'd appreciate conjugations, thanks...."